Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Redefining the F word that constitutions pay lip service to.

Sorry it has been a while since I last posted here. The rigours of school as well as life sometime ware on me. I don't quite understand how people have so much time and motivation to do so much unfun stuff. There are only so many hours a day / week I can spend doing stuff that isn't something that my body & mind find to be relaxing. But there are all these people with jobs on top of school on top of commuting, and I don't see how they don't break down and do something crazy... Then again, since the implementation of capitalism, we have seen the invention of people suddenly breaking out guns and killing themselves & as many of their peers as they can muster in workplaces and schools alike. You don't actually think that is a coincidence do you?

Still, the "winners" are those willing to work more & more. 40 hours a week is the average, but 60 will get you ahead, right? I am always confused as to why they are willing to do it. I get two excuses: 1. I have to just to survive & 2. I wouldn't know what to do if I wasn't working as much as I do. Have we gotten so warped that people don't know how to enjoy life anymore? I love free time. I am never bored. My brain is racing coming up with new adventures for me, myself, I and anyone that wants to join in. Okay, so most of it isn't any fun for others, but that's not the end of the world. They could always invite me to their fun and I might just join in. As for #1: Well, if so many people feel that way, the answer is clear: STOP IT AND DEMAND A BETTER LIFE! If so many people are that unhappy, the oppressive force can not hold back the flood of human will. I guess organization is key and we lack the social cohesion to be effective in any real attempt at true freedom.

The most important thing to remember is that YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE. That's it; no second go around. Screw it up if you will, but at least screw it up trying to have what you think is fun and a worthwhile way to spend your time. Work for things you don't enjoy / believe in as least as humanly possible and find your happiness for every moment you can get a hold on. It doesn't have to be big. For me those things are small and yet they are huge. Please don't give me the religious argument of some kind of next life as an answer to "you only live once". It is a fairytale for children that serves to empower those who would usurp your life. This is it. Your time, just like mine, is precious.

What has this got to do with these two pictures? Well, in them I am reading something very long and boring that is taking way too much of my time. True, I have balanced it with relaxing stuff so I can manage. But still, it is what I have to do sometimes, but it is NOT me and has nothing to do with me. If you want to get to actually know me the worst question to ask is what I do for a living. The right question is what do I do when I am not making a living and that should be everyone's get to know you question.

Rather not be reading, but at least I am naked!

1 comment:

  1. I have about a 50 hour work week, spend time at home on work-related things, and even do that thing that you are not so inclined to do--going to the gym-- and find that I still have free time. Which I never really find myself unsure of what to do with. Of course, there are times when I wish I had more free time, and times when I can't stand things about my work environment, but there are also times when I miss being at work. I am well aware that there are many many people out there with grueling work weeks at jobs that make them miserable. But the problem doesn't reside in the number of hours one spends making a living. The problem more likely resides in a number of other places, to name a few: choice of career, lack of opportunities to acquire a more apt choice of career (be they financial, geographic, or because of family ties), other people's stupidity, motivation, laziness, expectations, lack of expectations...
