Gees... these damn twist off tops can be quite the quandary.

I'm very oral. And no I don't mean that, but I could, but this is not that kind of post. I'll give you fair warning when it is... but back to oral fixations. I don't really have a bad case of that. I mean I am not, god forbid, a smoker (that's cigarettes - nothing against more healthy and fun smokable items) or a nail chewer. According to my mom I was never a big thumb sucker either.
So as far as I can tell this oral fixation is purely utilitarian. As long as I can remember I've resorted to mouth and teeth when confounded by trying to open something that I could fit into my mouth; sometimes even larger things. I can remember sitting in quiet contemplation on whether or not opening the wretched stuck item in question with my mouth was a possibility. At least I never tried to do that with something frozen, because the consequences could be rather drastic, but when a nice cold beer doesn't want to let you twist it open to let you at its golden wonderfulness, reverting to old habits to get at it is inevitable!

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