Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Feminism vs. Equality

The people who know me call me a feminist. I have always found that a bit difficult to take ownership of because I am male. It's not that I am not for the ideals of feminism at all, but the fact that I am a man makes me sometimes feel like I am treading on someone else's ground. I prefer Equalitist. I mean that is what I really believe in. The fact is that there is no inherent difference between women and men other than the purely physiological differences that are obvious. I despise the concept of gender and the idea that women think/act in one way and men in another. It is all just a societal fabrication that gets enforced as we grow up. Luckily or unluckily, depending on your point of view, I grew up almost completely without any of those myths about what boys should do/act vs. what girls should do/act. I simply don't view men and women as being all that different and it really bothers me when people are made to feel like they have to do things to fit their gender stereotype. Examples like men need to have short hair, women having to shave their bodies, each gender having to wear a certain type of clothing really upset me and I don't stay quiet about it.

All of this would be characterized by many as classic (2nd wave) feminist thought. This would be fine with me, but in my experience there is a whole section of feminist thought goes beyond deconstructing gender and promoting equality. I have encountered a tract of thought that centres on assigning blame to men. And not only assigning blame, but expounding on how men will always be the problem and will always act to further the patriarchy. These people create a world where men and women are in constant opposition to each other and that the role of men is to try to be the oppressor. I can't get behind that. I find it too be deeply sexist and offensive, not to mention counterproductive.

It was my most resent confrontation with people who expounded such a view that left me wanting to be as far away from my old blog as possible. I just can't even muster the energy to debate these people when they shout slogans and childish rhetoric at me. With that in mind, I happily secede the word and concept of Feminism to them. They can have it; I don't care. I rather be an Equalitist anyway, because that is what I truly believe in. So I guess under the current climate I rather not be called a Feminist, not because I don't subscribe to the ideals that most feminists believe in, but because being a man I feel like I don't have the right to define the word and some of the definitions are in complete opposition to what I feel is right.

And for something lighter... a picture from the debate that led to this conclusion:
HANDS DOWN, it was the most consensus EVER reached at this table.

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