Reading all about the tropical rain forest ecosystem.

Read John Locke and you will understand what I mean. He was, for all intents & purposes, the inventor of the concept of property. His view was was simple: God made the earth and everything on it for man (note: not women) to use for his benefit. If land was left alone and not altered or worked on to service man, then it was being wasted and in a state of disrepute. To be on this earth and live on it by the means that nature had intended is irrational. In order for someone to have the rights to live on said land it must be put under cultivation and used to yield maximum benefits to mankind.
You would think that this is a simple attack on the environment and nature as a whole, but really it is an act of war against other people. So anthropocentric were people like John Locke that considerations for other beings were beyond ridiculous. His writings were not a manifesto of what to do with nature, but a way to displace native new worlders from the land they were living on by saying that the way they lived was irrational and that their use (or rather, non-use) of the land constituted negligence of the highest order.
That is the trick to understand when it comes to self-centred behaviour. Arguments beyond the scope of range of self can not be heard or acknowledged. It matters not what you say or how valid your arguments may be, they are not even in the same room. John Locke was arguing that other humans should have their rights taken away because they weren't doing enough to alter the environment, do you think he would be capable of understanding an argument that states an animal or a tree has as much right to live as he?
Relevance: All the fights we lead, protests we march and campaigns we start are against the very fabric of the law because all the laws of the "western" (expanding) world are still those of John Locke and his cohorts. They are the basis of our lives today. As per their instructions, we still do not have equal human rights and as long as that persists, the argument of giving rights to all living things is far away. So essentially, by law, purely environmental endeavours are muted before they are spoken. If you've spent a minute learning about environmental policy you will understand very quickly that the only time anything real ever gets done is when money flows into the pockets ofone many of these anthropocentric barons of humanity. Nothing is ever done for ecology's sake and there is no change on the horizon. A lot more than half of us are still obsessed with the self and could never even consider the lives of others. This is fact.
So I am reading all about nature and wondering how I can halt the bulldozers from digging out another tract of forest the size of two football stadiums this week, but we here just happily re-elected the man who turns the key on the bulldozer. Not that it would matter, as I noted before, the bulldozers would still be going no matter who we elect. But you see, not even that is the issues. The forest has no feelings, it is ingrained. Just look at the debate today. All that matters are the human jobs. Killing millions of non-humans is okay if human jobs are saved/created. That is not a joke. That is real. Be us 6.8 billion to their 10s of thousands, it doesn't matter. One human life is worth infinitely more than a soon to be extinct species never to be heard from again; muted forever.
I must admit that I often like myself as a person. This is not something a humble person is supposed to say, but I do feel that way. Yet, if I knew things would change, I would put my life down before a species. I am unique and wonderful (at times) in my own way, but my unique wonderfulness cannot be compared to that of a whole population of another species. To even dream of such a thing is irrational & self-centred to me. And for a dose of irony, those same people who are so guilt laden to never say (or do, actually) they like themselves are the very same self-centred folk that put man above every living thing... maybe deep down they feel guilty.
All I know is that we can make all the little concessions and provisions we want. We can pay the lip service and create buzz words like sustainable development to placate our guilt; but nothing will ever truly change and no ecosystem on this planet will truly be safe from the human death machine until we overturn the words of John Locke and his supporters. Looking from all other's perspectives at this spinning ball that we inhabit is the only way to find happiness and harmony. The concept of exploitation must die or it will kill & exploit all that stands in its way and only a self-centred fool can't see that in the end it will kill the fool as well.
You would think that this is a simple attack on the environment and nature as a whole, but really it is an act of war against other people. So anthropocentric were people like John Locke that considerations for other beings were beyond ridiculous. His writings were not a manifesto of what to do with nature, but a way to displace native new worlders from the land they were living on by saying that the way they lived was irrational and that their use (or rather, non-use) of the land constituted negligence of the highest order.
That is the trick to understand when it comes to self-centred behaviour. Arguments beyond the scope of range of self can not be heard or acknowledged. It matters not what you say or how valid your arguments may be, they are not even in the same room. John Locke was arguing that other humans should have their rights taken away because they weren't doing enough to alter the environment, do you think he would be capable of understanding an argument that states an animal or a tree has as much right to live as he?
Relevance: All the fights we lead, protests we march and campaigns we start are against the very fabric of the law because all the laws of the "western" (expanding) world are still those of John Locke and his cohorts. They are the basis of our lives today. As per their instructions, we still do not have equal human rights and as long as that persists, the argument of giving rights to all living things is far away. So essentially, by law, purely environmental endeavours are muted before they are spoken. If you've spent a minute learning about environmental policy you will understand very quickly that the only time anything real ever gets done is when money flows into the pockets of
So I am reading all about nature and wondering how I can halt the bulldozers from digging out another tract of forest the size of two football stadiums this week, but we here just happily re-elected the man who turns the key on the bulldozer. Not that it would matter, as I noted before, the bulldozers would still be going no matter who we elect. But you see, not even that is the issues. The forest has no feelings, it is ingrained. Just look at the debate today. All that matters are the human jobs. Killing millions of non-humans is okay if human jobs are saved/created. That is not a joke. That is real. Be us 6.8 billion to their 10s of thousands, it doesn't matter. One human life is worth infinitely more than a soon to be extinct species never to be heard from again; muted forever.
I must admit that I often like myself as a person. This is not something a humble person is supposed to say, but I do feel that way. Yet, if I knew things would change, I would put my life down before a species. I am unique and wonderful (at times) in my own way, but my unique wonderfulness cannot be compared to that of a whole population of another species. To even dream of such a thing is irrational & self-centred to me. And for a dose of irony, those same people who are so guilt laden to never say (or do, actually) they like themselves are the very same self-centred folk that put man above every living thing... maybe deep down they feel guilty.
All I know is that we can make all the little concessions and provisions we want. We can pay the lip service and create buzz words like sustainable development to placate our guilt; but nothing will ever truly change and no ecosystem on this planet will truly be safe from the human death machine until we overturn the words of John Locke and his supporters. Looking from all other's perspectives at this spinning ball that we inhabit is the only way to find happiness and harmony. The concept of exploitation must die or it will kill & exploit all that stands in its way and only a self-centred fool can't see that in the end it will kill the fool as well.
Frustration, thinking about the fate of the poor little frog!