Anyway, the subject of this post: I do take quite a few pictures of myself and most of them end up being stylized posing pictures such a s the one below this here writing. I almost never post smiley pictures because I just don't think they look that good. I know, I know, they always tell you to smile for photographs and for many years I followed the party line. But after hundreds of pictures that were taken of me that I rather disliked, I gave up on all this forced smiling and embraced the poser within. I am happy with the results. Still to this day the pictures where the photographer guilts me into smiling are the ones I look the worst in.
But for you who are here I shall give you a smiley picture, because I rather liked the way it came out. Still the one I went with for my flickr was the posy one. Feel free to tell me which one you like better.